Professional Certifications

/Professional Certifications
Professional Certifications2019-01-07T19:19:51-06:00

Official Professional Certifications 

I am proud to offer professional certifications for Law Enforcement K-9 from both the State of Arkansas and the nationally recognized DrugBeat organization.  DrugBeat Personal Protection Dog Certifications and Certification Training Programs are available.

Recently the State of Arkansas introduced certification standards and requirements for all police K9’s operating in the state.  Arkansas Certifications are regulated by the Arkansas Commission on Law Enforcement Standards and Training.  Law Enforcement dogs in Arkansas must pass certifications yearly that are administered by a state certifying official.  Forms must be submitted to C.L.E.S.T. upon testing or any change in status of your department K9.

DrugBeat is a national K9 certifying agency (with over 30 certifying agents across the US, Canada, UK, and Costa Rica) that was formed over 10 years ago. DrugBeat exists to ensure that K9 certifications are available to both Law Enforcement and Private Security/Training Centers nationwide, and to educate the Law Enforcement community in matters of drug interdiction, K9 issues, and any other applicable issues pertaining to the Law Enforcement Community.  For more information about DrugBeat, the certifications standards, or certifying agents contact Gary LaFollette at 417-353-1596 or email at

DrugBeat (National Police and Personal Protection) Certification Testing

Drug Certification

  • Certification Standards

Explosives Detection

  • Certification Standards


  • Certification Standards


  • Certification Standards

Personal Protection

  • Certification Standards

When 2 or more certifications are being conducted for a single dog there is a $25 Discount per test applied. Also if an agency is certifying 3 or more dogs in single certifications at the same time there is also a $25 Discount per test applied.


DrugBeat Narcotic Certification Standards

    All K-9s must find marijuana and cocaine to certify. Other narcotics are optional to the certifying agent. The type of narcotic is to be determined prior to the test. There will be at least one (1) stash of marijuana and one stash of cocaine in each given area. One of each in a building and one of each on or in an automobile.
    Each handler is responsible for notifying the judges of the type of alert (aggressive or passive) the judge can expect from the K-9.
  • TIME
    There will be a time limit of ten (10) minutes for two (2) narcotic stashes. The K-9 will be allowed a rest period of 15 minutes, then will resume the searches on the automobile or building.
    The search area will consist of at least an inside area and two or more vehicles. At least one of the vehicles must be blank (contain no drug or explosive odors) and one vehicle must contain a drug odor. Proofing odors will be hidden in the search areas, and will be marked as so. Hitting on proofing odors will be an automatic fail. (Clean tennis balls, perfumes, ect.) The decision of what to use will be up to the certifying agent. The handler will not watch the test of other teams prior to taking the test.The handler will have ninety (90) days to re-certify before additional charges will be assessed. It is the handler responsibility to locate a certifying official and set the time, date and travel arrangements for re-certification.
    The handler shall be a law enforcement agent and employed by a law Department and/or an employee of a private security, investigative or detection service licensed within the state they are located in. They must have no less than 40 hours of K-9 Narcotic Detection Training covering K-9 laws and K-9 handling.The handler and K-9 will be certified as a team.

DrugBeat Bomb/Explosives Detection Dog Certification Standards

    All K-9s must find the SEVEN main explosive odors to certify. EXPLOSIVES TO BE USED ARE PETN, RDX, C-4 & TNT, BLACK AND SMOKLESS GUN POWDERS, and AMMONIA NITRATE. Other explosives such as Potassium Chlorate are optional and up to the discrestion of the certifying agent and handler. Potassium Chlorate & Etc. The type of Explosives is to be determined prior to the test. There shall be only 1 stash of each Explosive type used. Amounts to be used in weights. 8 oz up to 3 lbs. YOU MAY USE REAL EXPLOSIVES OR SIMTEX ODORS FOR CERTIFICATION.
    The K-9 must alert without prompting from the handler and NO directing from the certifying agent in any way other than to explain the location to be searched. The alert must be a passive alert. HE WILL SIT OR DOWN FOR THE ALERT. The K-9 must alert within a reasonable distance from the stash. Three Feet or closer is suggested NO aggressive alerts are accepted, (biting or scratching or jumping) The k-9 must give a readable alert and called by the handler.The K-9 must alert without prompting from the handler and NO directing from the certifying agent in any way other than to explain the location to be searched. The alert must be a passive alert. HE WILL SIT OR DOWN FOR THE ALERT. The K-9 must alert within a reasonable distance from the stash. Three Feet or closer is suggested NO aggressive alerts are accepted, (biting or scratching or jumping) The k-9 must give a readable alert and called by the handler.
    No false alerts will be allowed, the team will be failed immediately shall ANY occur!!!
  • TIME
    There will be a time limit of five(5) minutes to find each explosive stash. If needed, the K-9 will then be allowed a rest period of fifteen (15) minutes, and will begin another search period to locate additional explosive stashes. This scenario is left up to the discression of the handler and certifying agent.The handler and K-9 will be certified as a team.

DrugBeat Tracking Certification Standards

  • The certifying agent will determine how to lay the track, its length, and age of track. The track is to be No Less than one hour old. Suggested length of track no less than 1000 yards. The track should have at least 2-90 degree turns in the track and should be laid with the wind behind the k-9s back. There should be cross tracks laid by at least 1 other person
  • The track needs to be across at least 3 different surfaces. (i.e concrete, asphalt, rocks, grass, water..ect.)
  • If the k-9 has not tracked the track layer to the end of the track and located the track layer or tracked to the end of the track. The K-9 must be marked as failed. (No Exceptions to this)
  • The handler must not know how the track was laid.
  • No markings to be used to mark the track with.

DrugBeat Patrol Dog

  • The certifying agent will evaluate your dog in areas of Temperament, Obedience, and Apprehension.  After making a complete assessment of your dogs abilities and the handlers demonstrated skills in handling the dog a determination of successfully completing the test will be made.
  • For safety reasons the Patrol dog MUST do a “call off from fleeing attack” or will be marked as failed. Additionally, he MUST be obedience trained to “down/stay” while the handler is doing other business or be marked as failed.
  • The Patrol K-9 Must “OUT” on command with little assistance from the handler.
  • You have the right to ask to see the actual test given to make sure that your K-9 can do all of the things asked and demonstrated before taking the test. The items above are the must do’s in order to pass the test.

DrugBeat Personal Protection Dog Certifications

  • Personal Protection Dogs MUST certify to the same HIGH standards as a Police Service Dog.  You should make sure that you have a solid understanding of each phase of testing and what is expected out of you and your dog before attempting to take this certification.  I will be happy to explain everything to you and am available to help you to be sure that your training will be successful so that you can achieve this certification.

State of Arkansas Certifications

Narcotics Detection

  • Certification Standards

Patrol Certification

  • Certification Standards


  • Certification Standards

There is no testing fee charged to Arkansas State Law Enforcement Agencies wishing to certify department K9’s with the State of Arkansas. Any travel expenses incurred to come to your agency to administer testing should be reimbursed.

    Arkansas Narcotics Detection Dog Certification Standards
  • A police canine team must consist of a law enforcement officer, part time or reserve officer, working a police canine for a law enforcement agency, with the responsibilities and duties of locating narcotics.
  • Types of Narcotics
    All police canines must find four (4) types of narcotics – marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, and heroin.
  • Quantities of Narcotics
    The Quantities of narcotics shall be a minimum of ten (10) grams per stash and a maximum of twenty-eight (28) Grams per stash, except marijuana. Marijuana will have a minimum of seven (7) grams and a maximum amount of fifty-six (56) grams.
    It is the certifying official’s decision on how much each of the stashes will contain, as long as he or she remains within the minimum and maximum amounts set out in the certification standards.
    This test will determine the proficiency and reliability of a police canine team in the detection of narcotics. It is not designed to cover all techniques, methods, or applications styles.
    No police canine team will be dual certified in Narcotics and Explosives by the State of Arkansas.
  • Alerts
    Each handler is responsible for notifying the certifying official of the type of alert (scratch or passive), the certifying official can expect.
    The handler is responsible for calling the alert for the certifying official.
    There will be only one (1) false alert allowed. The handler will be notified of a true or false alert.
  • Time
    There will be three (3) minutes for each narcotic search area;
    (3) minutes per vehicle;
    Once the three (3) minutes and has expired in any one (1) area the search is terminated.
  • Search Area (Structure)
    The area shall be of indoor nature (building);
    This area shall be no larger than one thousand (1000) square feet.
    Inside this area there shall be an area for each narcotic.
    There will be two (2) stashes of each narcotic in each area, a total of four (4) areas totaling eight (8) stashes.
    The stashes shall not be hidden in a location above 36 inches above the ground.
    The police canine will only be required to locate one (1) stash per area.
    After the first alert, the search for that area is complete and the police canine will continue to the next area.
  • Search Area (Vehicle)
    Five (5) Vehicles will be utilized for the certification (any style/size)
    Three (3) of the vehicles will not contain narcotic hides.
    The search is an exterior search only and has a time limit of 15 minutes.
    Odors used on vehicles are at the discretion of the certifying official.
    The police canine will be required to locate each vehicle containing narcotics.
  • Rewards
    There will be no narcotic contaminated rewards during certification.
  • Failure to Certify
    There will be a thirty days waiting period to attempt to certify again.
  • Ruling of the Certifying Official
    All rulings by the certifying officials are final.
  • Certifying Officials Presence
    There may be more than one (1) of certifying official at any certification but only one (1) is required for Certification.
Arkansas Explosive Detection Dog Certifications Standards

  • A Police Canine Team must consist of a commissioned law enforcement officer, working a Police Canine for a law enforcement agency, with the responsibilities and duties of locating explosive devices.
  • This test will determine the proficiency and reliability of a Police Canine Team in the detection of explosives. No Police Canine Team will be dual certified in Narcotics and Explosives by the State of Arkansas.
  • Police Canine Teams will be tested on the follow basic odors:
    Powders (black and smokeless)
    Commercial Dynamite or Ammonium Nitrate C-4 or Flex-X
    TNT or Military Dynamite Primer Cord
    Slurries or Water Gel
  • The Police Canine Team will be tested in the following environments:
    Baggage, Vehicles, and Open Area.
    Optional search areas will include, but not limited to:
    Aircraft, Watercraft or Rail
  • Certification Requirements
    The certification will be either pass or fail conducted by a State of Arkansas Certifying Official authorized to conduct explosive detection Police Canine Team Certifications.
    The team cannot miss more than one aid in the test environment, or exceed more than one false response in a test environment.
    If a team fails in a test environment they may be given the option to re-test in one environment only, if they have not failed in any other of the test environments combined.
  • Causes for Failure
    Two (2) misses in any of the test environments.
    Two (2) false alerts in any of the test environments.
    One (1) miss in any two of the test environments.
    One (1) false alert in any two of the test environments.Example: a handler has two misses/false in any environment (for this example we will use the luggage environment) but has no misses/false in any of the other three test environments. The handler can request to be re-tested in the luggage environment. Any misses/false in the re-test luggage area constitutes a certification failure.
  • General Terms
    “Training Aids” is the term used for explosive compounds to be hidden for certification purposes.
    “Team Miss” is defined as any failure for a Police Canine to alert on a hidden aid, or failure of the handler to recognize the response and call the alert.“False Response” is defined as:
    A Police Canine alerting at a non-hide location.
    A handler calling an alert, even if the Police Canine did not alert, at a non-hide location.
    A Police Canine alerting to fringe odor that the certifying official determines to be too far away from the actual hide location.
    An aggressive alert by scratching, biting, or excessive nudging at the hide location.
    Attempts or retrieves the aid or the packaging concealing the aid.
    Continual passive alerts such as sitting or pinpointing, looking at the handler for confirmation of a find at a non-hide location.The ruling of the State of Arkansas Certifying Official is final.
  • Precautions
    The Certifying Official may call off an explosive certification for the following safety reasons including, but limited to:
    Unsafe environment.
    Aggressive Police Canine alerts
    Smoking in the area.
  • Training Aids
    The aids used in testing will be of a size and composition that would simulate what is generally found on the street with a minimum size of 1/4 pound and no maximum size.
    Each aid will be hidden twice during the testing.
    The handler will not be told how many aids are in the test environment.
    All aids will be hidden in a manner to prevent direct contact by the Police Canine.
    There will be no electronic collars or transmitters in the testing area.
    The Certifying Official will provide all testing aids.
  • Open Area Search
    An open area is defined as: Open Fields, Wooded Area or Large Open Lots.
    The Certification Official will determine if the open area selected will be of an appropriate test environment and may use discretion, using the below listed general outline, for the certification:
    The open area should be a minimum of 1000 square feet with a maximum of 3000 square feet.
    The number of aids hidden should be consistent with the search environment allowing ample room between aids to judge the searching ability of the Police Canine Team.
    Aids may be placed no more than one (1) foot below the ground’s surface and no more than six (6) feet above the ground.
    The Police Canine Team will not be informed which area(s) are free of aids.
  • Optional Area(s)
    The Certification Official will determine if the optional area selected will be of an appropriate test environment and may use discretion, using the below listed general outline, for the certification:
    Availability will be the factor in the Optional Tests.
    The search environment should include interior and exterior searches with the number of aids hidden consistent with the search environment allowing ample room between aids to judge the search ability of the Police Canine Team.
    The Police Canine Team will not be informed which area(s) are free of aids.
  • Aircraft
    Aircraft is defined as a standard wide body aircraft that would normally be searched for explosives.
    The aircraft should be no smaller than a 30 passenger plane.
    The number of aids hidden should be consistent with the size of the aircraft with no fewer than three aids hidden.
    Watercraft is defined as a large sea worthy vessel that would normally be searched for explosives. The number of aids hidden should be consistent with the size of the vessel with no fewer than three aids hidden.
  • Rail
    Rail is defined as no fewer than to two railcars that would normally be searched for explosives. The number of aids hidden should be consistent with the number of cars with no fewer than three aids hidden.
Arkansas Patrol Dog Certification Standards

  • A Police Canine Team must consist of a paid full time law enforcement officer or corrections officer either local, state, federal working a Police Canine for a law enforcement agency.
  • You may certify a utility Police Canine in tracking, area search, building search.
  • To certify a police service canine you must pass all control phases: temperament test, obedience, and criminal apprehension.
  • Temperament TestThe Police Canine must demonstrate to the certifying official that it is approachable by the certifying official.
    This will determine if the Police Canine has a proper level of social skills required by a Police Canine.The certifying official may approach the Police Canine Team at a normal pace from the front, stopping at a distance of 6-10 feet from the Police Canine Team, and then walking at an angle away from the Police Canine Team.At no time will the certifying official attempt to touch the handler or the Police Canine.Unacceptable behavior would be, but not limited to, one of the following:
    Uncontrollable barking
    This phase must be completed successfully before moving on to the next phase.
  • Obedience TestThe obedience testing may be conducted indoors / outdoors in an area acceptable to the certifying official.The area must be free of any obstacles and must provide a safe environment to both the Police Canine Team and any person(s) in the immediate area.The obedience test shall be conducted off leash.The Police Canine Team will demonstrate the ability to complete the following exercises:
    The heeling phase will consist of a normal pace, a fast pace, and a slow pace.
    A minimum of two (2) right turns, two (2) left turns and two (2) about turns. The distance of each leg will be a minimum 20 paces.This exercise requires the handler to place the canine in a sit or down stay position.Upon instruction from the certifying official, the handler will leave the canine and move to a predetermined location and then turn and face the Police Canine.At that point, the time will begin for a two (2)-minute STAY (sit or down) exercise.The certifying official will notify the handler who will recall Police Canine to a heal position ending the exercise.
  • Recall/Minimum Force TestThe Police Canine will start in a heel position. The suspect will be at a distance determined by the certifying official. Upon command from the official, the suspect will break and run in a direction away from the Police Canine.The certifying official will then instruct the handler to deploy the Police Canine.At a predetermined location or on the command of the certifying official, the suspect will stop and surrender terminating the pursuit. The call off used is at the discretion of the handler; however, the certifying official must be informed prior to the test which call off will be utilized.The call used may be, but is not limited to, one of the following:
    Dog is recalled to a heel position.
    The canine sits, downs, or stands and is recalled to a heel position. The canine sits, downs, or stands and the handler joins the Police Canine. The canine goes into a revere or a hold at bay, bark and hold.The importance of this test is that the Police Canine will not have aggressive contact with the suspect.
    Incidental or non-aggressive contact made by the Police Canine is not a reason for failure.
    The suspect being bitten, mouthed, or an over aggressive contact is not acceptable.This phase of testing is complete when the handler, upon command of the certifying official, takes control of the Police Canine.
  • Criminal Apprehension/Aggression Control TestIn each of the categories in this section the tests will determine if the Police Canine is capable of performing in situations likely to be encountered in a working canine environment.This test will demonstrate the handler’s control over the Police Canine and the canine’s courage ability.In all apprehensions the Police Canine must demonstrate the ability to release on a verbal command.No contact between the handler and Police Canine will be allowed.The handler will order the suspect into an arrest/frisk position and will approach the suspect.Upon physical contact between the suspect and the handler, the suspect will simulate an attack on the handler.At that time, the Police Canine, without command will engage the suspect. Upon command from the certifying official, the handler will command the Police Canine to release and take control of the Police Canine.This exercise will be repeated as a clean arrest/frisk in the exact same manner without an attack on the handler.This phase of testing is complete when the Police Canine has been placed on leash.
  • Apprehension From A Vehicle With Gunfire TestThe handler, with the Police Canine secure in a stationary vehicle, will encounter a suspect at a distance determined by the certifying official.Upon command of the certifying official, the handler will order the suspect to approach his location.The suspect will refuse, then break and run in a direction away from the Police Canine Team.After the appropriate warnings are given, the handler will then release the Police Canine to pursue and apprehend the suspect.The suspect will then fire 2 shots as the Police Canine approaches with the last shot being fired when the Police Canine is within 10 (ten) yards of his location.The Police Canine must apprehend the suspect and hold until the suspect has submitted; the handler will then approach the suspect.Upon command of the certifying official, the handler will command the Police Canine to release the suspect.This phase of testing is complete when the Police Canine has been placed on leash.Equipment to Be Used In the Criminal Apprehension Test
    All equipment to be utilized in the criminal apprehension phase must be approved by the certifying official.
    The certifying official must inspect all guns and blanks before they are used.
    Blank guns shall be a handgun, adapted to fire only blank ammunitions. The firearm shall not possess the capability of firing live ammunition.
    For safety concerns, hidden or concealed equipment may NOT be used.
    Full bite suits WILL be worn by novice decoys – Full sleeves with Bite Pants may be used with experience decoys.As with all of the certification phases, safety of the Police Canine and all person(s) involved will be of the utmost importance.If E-collars are present on the Police Canine, the handler must surrender the remote to the certifying official.
  • Decoys
    It is very important that experienced decoys are used in the apprehension phases. When possible, the decoy will be unknown to the Police Canine.
    No Police Canine Team will be penalized for a mistake made by a decoy.
  • Engage/Apprehend
    The Police Canine must physically engage the decoy.
    The Police Canine will be required to hold and fight the decoy.
    Failure to engage the decoy will be a cause for failure.
    The handler should demonstrate good sound tactics at all times.
    Not using sound tactics will not be a cause for failure but should be addressed by the certifying official.
  1. All three phases must be completed successfully for certification of the Police Canine Team.

    The three phases must be completed in the order they have been presented above.

  • Building Search Test (Optional Test)This phase is designed to test the Police Canine’s ability to locate a suspect hidden from sight inside a building.
    The suspect will be hidden from sight and in an area that the Police Canine will have access to.
    The suspect may be hidden at any height and will have protective equipment if necessary.
    The building utilized for the test will be inspected and suitable to the certifying official.Sites chosen should be, but not limited to, the following:
    Residential buildings Schools
    Office buildingsThe certifying official will choose the hide location of the suspect and will also pick the starting point for the Police Canine Team.
    The handler may follow the Police Canine into the building at the direction of the certifying official.The search may be done on or off lead. For the Police Canine to successfully pass the area search test, the canine must find and give an indication as to the location of the suspect.Alerts can be, but are not limited to, one of the following:
    Bark and hold (the Police Canine should stay within a reasonably close proximity to the suspect location.)
    Engage the suspect (proper safety equipment must be in place). Other alerts may be used but the certifying officials must be informed of the Police Canine’s response. The certifying official will have the final say as to when the test is terminated.Failure of the test may be for, but not limited to, the following:
    The Police Canine refuses to search The Police Canine stops searching.
    The Police Canine fails to give an alert at the suspect’s location. If the certifying official feels too much time has elapsed.
  • Area Search Test (Optional Test)The area search test is designed to test the Police Canine Team’s ability to detect the location of a subject hidden from sight in a large area with no known track available to the Police Canine.
    The test will also determine if the team is using wind currents to their advantage.
    The suspect will hide in an area at the direction of the certifying official.
    As a rule, the suspect should hide five to ten minutes prior to the start of the testing.
    The area and the amount of time that will be allotted for the test will be at the discretion of the certifying official.The Police Canine must alert the handler to the location of the suspect with acceptable alerts being, but not limited to, the same as those used in the building search test.The certifying official will have the final say as to when the test is terminated. Failure of the test may be for, but not limited to, the following:
    The Police Canine refuses to search.
    The Police Canine stops searching.
    The Police Canine fails to give an alert at the suspect’s location.
    If the certifying official feels too much time has elapsed.
  • Tracking Test (Optional Test)This test is designed to test the proficiency of the Police Canine to follow a track and locate a suspect.If possible, the test should be set up in the area or location similar to a working environment.The track will be in an area out of view of the handler.The track should be laid in a fashion consistent with the path a fleeing suspect would choose to avoid being followed.These routes would most likely be meandering and typically would not follow obvious routes of travel such as streets, paths or farm lanes for example.The suspect will be a person unknown to the canine if possible. The track will be at least twenty minutes old (weather permitting) and will have one cross track.The track should have at least two surface changes and a minimum of two turns.The track will be at least 300 yards.The person laying the track will follow the instructions of the certifying official.The final stopping point of the track will allow the person who has laid the track to be out of sight of the Police Canine Team.Surfaces may be but are not limited to the following:
    Woods or forest
    SwampAs with any of the phases, the certifying official may have to make changes due to circumstances beyond his/her control. To successfully complete the tracking phase, the Police Canine must locate the suspect to the satisfaction of the certifying official.

